Im a big fan of the blogs at and and thought I would try my hand at it. Warning! Probably will contain foul language and ranting but I am glad for comments on it if you read it. Im gay and probably just a touch left leaning so be prepared.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

A great suggestion for Arizona from my roommate.

So we were discussing politics tonight sitting around the house and my Roommate Fox came up with a wonderful idea to help the state of Arizona with their illegal immigrant problem they are working so hard to root out. So rather than making anyone who is brownish have to prove they are legally here in the country, the state should just have them instead wear something to identify themselves so they can be rounded up, like gold stars (I suggested golden sombrero's but she thought that was ethnically stereotyping and stars are easier to make to save the states money). And then when a cop sees one of these people with the gold star on their clothing they can be arrested and sent to "Concentrate on getting you green card or deported camps" granted thats a long name and may need to be shortened down some how.

BTW this is satire... If you didn't know it was satire, you may want to take a long hard look at yourself. Just calling it how I see it.
